The post you are reporting:
The Chamber of Commerce "should" be the responsible body that helps develop ideas and implement them to move the Town forward.
I have been told many times that although people in charge - people who "could" make a difference, come and go, but the ATTITUDE about moving Dover forward, stays the same.
Your list earlier Sid, as DBS Manager, I had been working on, apart from DTIZ and in just over 4 months, had a fair level of success with all of it; in fact my list of projects and initiatives had 22 items on it.
I did not agree with the President of the Chamber of Commerce that my main priority, my only activity, was to sign businesses up to DBS - and I now believe that was the reason I was sacked, because I knew what wanted doing and they didn't want to be told.
I had had plenty of time to devise and work on these before I became the DBS Manager - I had waited five years for that job, ever since Mike Webb went to the Town Clerk's job.
The market will be starting very shortly, I hope it is a success - for Dover's sake, but from what I know (and it may not be all correct), it simply won't generate the footfall that could have been generated.