Very interesting reports on the BBC this morning about the habits of people in both the recession and the digital age. It seems that people, you and me, will give up everything but our intetnet and our TV and our Mobile phones. We are technology mad.
In this day and age with the recession biting ever deeper people have to make choices with their home economics. The choices they are making is to give up every other activity...going out to the cinema, going out for dinner, going on holiday, and so on so on... they will cut back on buying clothes and shoes, they will give up newspapers and magazines but hark!! they wont give up their internet at any price. Good news for the likes of Facebook and Twitter and even lowly Doverforum, bad news for local newspapers, magazines and so on. The printed word is on a hiding to nothing these days from all fronts.
So there you have it. The average bloke can take the woife, you can take the kids, you can take the car and the mother in law...but whatever you do dont take away my TV/internet package!!!
Okay, I might be exagerating a tad on that last one but you get the general gist.
Still, in the middle of all this boom, ITV still manage to lose millions. So much for relying on private commercial enterprise for your national tv service! They cant hack it when the going gets tough!