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Thank you for your kind words as ever chaps. Just to emphasise, the Early Spider Orchid is only around for a couple of weeks so if you wish to see one go to Samphire Hoe in the next week or you may be disappointed this year.
Howie, macro pics are not that hard to do, I'm sure you could do excellent pictures. All you need is a macro-lens for your digital camera, get in close and set the camera to shoot loads of shots in a burst. It requires a lot of patience, squatting and lying flat, but you'll be amazed how professional some of your pictures look with not a great deal of effort. A top tip is to try and focus on the eyes of the beast you are aiming for if possible, any other area somehow doesn't look quite right. Quite honestly, I know hardly anything about photography, but do get rather persistant in bug hunting and looking them up afterwards. I really need to get out more.
Anyone seen an Adder this year yet? Please let me know if you do as I am desperate to finally get a decent picture of one.
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