In the heat of the fray yesterday, in the midst of the tumultuous uproarious shenanigans, a legend rose to his feet. Yes indeed. The legend I speak of.. is none other than Dennis Skinner.
The silver haired fox tells it like it is..and no messing about with niceties. The picture shows him wading into Nick Clegg in fine traditional left wing cloth cap table thumping style. And no one would want it any other way. He is certainly a throw back to the old days which is hardly a surprise as he has been in The House for 42 years. I have to take me hat off to an English legend and no mistake.
Yesterday he gave young Clegg some stick, goaded him somewhat, albeit with a glint in his eye, to come clean about all this Tory sleaze with prime ministers riding horses with dodgy hackers etc. He urged Clegg along the lines of "Now that the boss is away come clean..Be a man!..tell us what you really think!"
Clegg of course widely side stepped this one by the proverbial mile. But the whole House enjoyed Dennis in top mode. What a character..we should treasure him.