The post you are reporting:
Howard, you're just being deliberately too 'red' to see what actually happened. Substance triumphed over stupidity and political briefing. That much was obvious to all who watched.
How many times did the Speaker have to remind Harman that she must ANSWER questions, not ask them. She's been in the House and on the Front Bench long enough to know, so she was showing to the world just how stupid she is (not difficult).
She also got Hagues position in the Shadow Cabinet wrong at least twice, calling him the Foreign Secretary when she must surely know that one of the Rubberband Brothers, oops sorry, Milliband brothers holds that rank within her own party!
Finally, to almost every question she took on behalf of Gordie she replied with a question about Ashcroft, as if the public are even the slightest bit interested in him over the state of the economy. So, she obviously had a brieifing set really tight to hopefully avoid her demonstrating her stupidity. Well, her delivery undid the briefing thereby showing not only how bad she is, but how stupid Labour were to put her out in front.
She also fielded one question about provision of cancer medication for an MP's constituent, not availalble on the NHS in some parts of the country, and answered about NICE and what a, nice job, they are doing.
What is the point of PM's questions if there are to be no answers?
One might ask why Gordie has failed to attend over twice as many PMQ's as Bliar, 12% missed already, compared to Bliars 5% (which is a reasonable defalut rate for a PM).