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    Maggie an interesting post. With regard to bad language, I reckon there has been a new wave of unacceptance. So the point you make
    " was there an outcry about this!? "
    is in fact happening. There has been an upsurge in caution on the likes of the BBC, because it has become staggeringly apparent there is some kind of major backlash against bad language and bad behaviour taking place.

    Only two days ago I heard presenters on TV apologising for a bad language incident that had happened earlier on a programme. I hadnt seen the programme but caught the signoff. But as they were signing off they felt the need to bring the topic up again to apologise once again. Unheard of previously.

    This is the voice of the public speaking. Huge, and we are talking huge, levels of complaints over poor behaviour recently has woken the BBC up. They previously had not been in tune with the changing acceptance and standards of their viewers.

    So times are changing, what will become of Gordon Ramsey?

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