The post you are reporting:
I agree with that Phil if the law worked properly - but it doesn't.
The Government has a responsibility for us all - to protect us.
As we've heard from Ed. about his sister and their problems, the Police can some times not be perfect (I do have the greatest of respect for the Police and know they have a very difficult job to do; but even when these crims. are caught, the judiciary fail us.
Urinating on a war memorial - another case very recently and the youngster had no remorse, didn't care what he had done and got away with it.
Paedophiles, killings by yobs of other people - young and old, in fact any act of violence is not punished anywhere near enough for their crime.
No one who has committed acts of violence (ie more than one), should ever get a concurrent sentence, it should always be consecutive; there should never be any cuts in their sentence for good behaviour, or time spent on remand. Life should mean life.
More Community sentencing for non-violent acts and "white-collar"crimes like tax-evasion, fiddling, or non-payment of Council tax.
As Barry has said many times, Human Rights, should also include Human Responsibilities.
Criminals should get the right to a fair trial, but NEVER receive compensation for injuries received whilst carrying out a crime - like falling through a sunlight.