Sid, I know your comment is tongue-in-cheek but to put a serious spin on it, it really should not matter what you get up to in your own garden, you should be able to get up to it without worrying about it ending up on f*****g Google! I think that this system is atrocious and also highly useless. I am not happy that my house is on Google like this.
It's a false argument to suggest that it's just stuff you can see anyway. So are car number plates, children's faces, and corporate adverts, but these things generally have to be edited off / pixellated when PUBLISHED without the relevant consent / release documents being signed or approved. Who the hell approved Google to publish very detailed images of my home online? I sure didn't.
We have CCTV everywhere but CCTV officers have to operate with certain restrictions in place in the realm of private dwellings. I have seen this with my own eyes in the local office, their CCTV cameras are obscured if they point at private dwellings so that the operator cannot possibly zoom into any windows. Looking at the Google street view, I was able to easily see into MANY windows, some in great detail. Surely this cannot be right?
Furthermore, what the hell use is this thing? I don't consider myself "fuddy duddy" as I am a champion of the world wide web, I have always believed in it and I love it. I use the web for just about everything. But why would I want to wander down suburbs peering into windows and gardens? Google Street View is just high tech voyeurism that has no practical application that I can think of unless you are either a very bored individual who never, ever goes out or a terrorist wanting some simple armchair reconnaissance.
Google have yet again taken our privacy and taken a huge shit on it from a great height, like they always do.
I haven't found any info on this website about Street View yet (I dare say it will arrive) but this website is worth a look: