DDC Information
As we prepare to welcome and accommodate visitors to the Open Golf Championship in Sandwich next year, local residents willing to offer bed and breakfast for guests are reminded they can register their details on a new website.
Dover District Council and partners are working hard teeing up for the Open Golf Championship, and with less than a year to go we are busy topping up our list of available accommodation. A new website has been launched aimed at being a 'one-stop shop' for visitors and residents. The site lists all accredited Kent hotels, guest houses and local residents willing to take in bed and breakfast guests, as well as travel and local resident information.
There is a £60 registration fee to become a temporary accommodation provider, which covers the cost of the website listing and a visit to provide advice on facilities, rates, fire risk and public liability. Colebrook and Sturrock are the official agents for property lettings over the period of the Open.
More than 180,000 spectators staying between one and seven nights attended the Open when it was last staged in Sandwich in 2003 - contributing an estimated £17.6 million to the local economy. Even more visitors are expected for the 2011 tournament, which takes place from July 10 to 17.
The website has been developed by Dover District Council in partnership with Visit Kent, Kent County Council, and Canterbury, Shepway and Thanet Councils.
For further information, please visit
www.opengolfsandwich.co.uk or call DDC tourism team on 01304 240477.
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