There is not a lack of care. It is apathy, depression, and a sad attitude to this Town from the top to the bottom. There is no pride or standards anymore. No-body cares.
Many people help to clear the rubbish from this Garden. Rewarded by the council removing yet another rubbish bin from the site. Just one now. It is the centre of Town, the Police Station overlooks it. Officialdom, Traffic Wardens, Citizens Advice are all active and it is a busy thoroughfare.
It looks shabby, the gardens are sad, nothing is called to account.
This area was designed for the poor and elderly from our Town to have a place to go, a decent meal and a pleasure area to sit in. A place of calm and interest, by our lovely River Dour.
There seems to be an underlying policy, regarding this Town of Dover. To let it rot with no challenge to the vandalism, violence, no safety and a place of fear.
This is what is was, and why this Riverside Centre, and it's surrounds were built.