Room for an objective view?
"What to do in Dover."
Well, obviously Dover IS boring, boring, boring and those involved in selling Dover as a place to visit and to stay must, first and foremost, be entirely honest about that single fact. Dover IS boring.
I like words, I (kinda) know what a Drop Redoubt is. So...lets all go-see the trench!!!
IMO (you would not credit the 'H' anyway)
Before you sell Dover as a good place to take day-trips to France from you could activate links on the tourist site and add more information and pictures about the attractions IN Dover.
You could take the Roman artefacts out of the museum and put them in the RPH.
For the life of me I cannot quite get my head around connecting Dover with Transport, smacks of the bill-board beside US highways, "Come and see the worlds biggest ball of string!"
I know, and have every reason to know. That Dover does not sell itself and needs to so badly. And there lies the problem, it does so badly.
Dover IS the perfect place for visitors to our shores to begin their holiday, but I suspect there is more talk of easy access to the rest of the country and out of Dover than anything else.
Dover IS one part of our country that is worthwhile seeing for those leaving these shores for the continent and/or returning to these shores.
Does Dover have docks? Or are the docks nearby a small run-down back-water of a town called Dover?
It is not for me to question why the nearby towns get a mention, Dover is where Dover is and while no big deal, Deal is nearby.
All of this will surely begin with a committee meeting where cost will be king and revenue a dirty word. The first cost will be the running of all the sub-committees necessary and the concomitant officer time.
If I may...I will, in any case...
If we must talk cost, let us get it over and done with.
What money is available should be spent on e-promotion. Getting the web space to accommodate a vast increase in information and pictures and allow those directly involved with the various attractions to fill the web-space as they see fit.
The DDC is the servant in all things. The needs associated with the (expected) increase in visitors should be a high priority across the board for all branches of the public sector and be welcomed by every quarter of the private sector.
All must 'speculate to accumulate'.
This means that NOTHING should rely on a portion of Pickles' paltry purse.
Whether BarryW and his ilk like it or not. The private sector likes spending public money and hoarding it's own all too much.
And the public sector relies too heavily on simple future expectations of revenue from Parking etc. There is no getting away from it, if the town is busy parking is free and space should be available to suit the various modes of transport;bus/coach, camper-van and family car.
Dover IS NOT a sideline it is the core business.