The post you are reporting:
The postal strike SUCKS and it really grinds my gears that the postal workers feel they can hold the country to ransom just because they are not getting their own way. Let's face it, job cuts, modernisation, recession, changing economy, technical efficiencies, they are all things that constantly batter us poor private sector business people but who represents us? Roughly about nobody. We just deal with things as they come, we either adapt or die, and quite often we have to cut staff and make unpopular choices. It seems to me that postal workers are going through this exact same thing and causing a great hissy-fit over it. We all moan about the socialist unions when the French are blockading the port in support of whatever bloody cause they can dream up next, and are we supposed to be supportive of our postal workers? I think not.
Long hours, hard conditions, tough financial situations, they are all just modern reality and striking isn't going to change these things. Jeez, if it were up to me.....
You could argue that postal workers / trade union is striking back in a time of hardship but we private sector types are CONSTANTLY fighting hardships of one sort or another. It seems they get it too good for too long and when times get tough they throw their toys out of their prams.
I'm sure postal workers feel fully justified in their cause. As always, the wrong people end up paying the price for these disputes (ie us lot). There has already been quite a large financial impact on my business thanks to this dispute and frankly I'm not impressed.