Colin yes I got pictures of this..from my usual long range. Saw it completely by accident as it were, didnt hear sirens or anything yet there was at least 3 ambulances and 5 police cars with roads blocked off from three directions.. I thought initially it was a terrorist incident on account of the large presence of official vehicles.
I will see if I can find out from the police if there was any serious injury or worse. I hope not.
I might put it on the frontpage but depends on the seriousness. The frontpage has lots of frivolity on it at the moment so if it has been a serious accident it wont sit well there until I change it all. ...Im just thinking aloud here...
also got your email
Will add this...that can be a very tricky corner for motorcyclists from experience. People dont see you coming along the seafront, and cars coming to join the seafront can often carry on as if you are not there.