Yes indeed ..further additions here to add to the sea pictures from sunday. ( see post 139 )
All was quiet and tranquil on sunday along the seafront...when out of the sun came the Red Baron himself roaring into view. Caught us completely unawares. We ran for cover, arms and legs akimbo in flight, to hide our lights under the nearest bushell. Whoosh it swept by.. roaring out over the sea..sizing us up for the kill. It did a wide sweep and returned, engines reving in dire warning as in she swooped...then, well I wasnt the Red Baron after all, but the US Navy..phew!
As I picked myself up from the mud underneath the ego bruised beyond repair..I uttered something like...of course I knew it was the USA all along !!
A seagull got in on the act in the third picture above ruining the refined contours of the plane. I dont know what kind of plane it is but if BarryW looks in he may know the type model etc.
But back to the sea..rough as cressus this morning. Here is the scene a short time ago. Dramatic sunrise taken with a simple little camera, no zoom. The sun pops up over the horizon in dramatic windswept style, it climbs right over Calais and looks as if it is about to consume the early ferry.