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    Further to my remark the other day that the Masters are experiencing different conditions at the berths in the Eastern Docks since the removal of the blockship, this is now the subject of an NTM issued by DHB yesterday:

    Notice to Mariners 34/2012

    Western Entrance Jet stream - Influence on ED berths

    It has been reported by both PEC holders and Pilots that the Easterly tidal set across the Eastern Dock berths has markedly increased. Efforts to remove the charted shallow patches to the East of the blockship are expected to have a continued impact on tidal flows.

    It is suspected that the Western Entrance jet stream is now directly affecting the ED berths, running unabated across the Outer Harbour, whereby previously it was deflected by the blockship and bank towards the Prince of Wales Pier.

    Mariners are advised to exercise extreme caution during the period of the Western Entrance jet stream (2 hrs 40 minutes to 1 hr 10 minutes before High Water), particularly when manoeuvring in the vicinity of Westerly ED berths, where the tidal velocity is likely to be strongest. A full tidal survey will be commissioned in due course.

    Paul Brown
    Harbour Master
    22nd November 2012

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