Thanks Martin re pictures. Hopefully will get a few more interesting ones as we go along.
Glad its still looking positive with AIDA for 2014 Kevin..we certainly need the visits. But anyhow they have certainly upped their game for 2013.
Brave stab at that Jacqui, very tricky to get the ships at night without specialised equipment. But as the AIDA Stella left last night it truly was a blaze of exotic colour, the first thing you think about is reaching for the camera but its a bit beyond my equipment for the moment. The different colours of the restaurants and the bars looked very exciting and very exotic, and it looked huge. Despite the weather being dark and cold, the ship still cut a dazzling image of summer..somehow.
I see there is a bit of snow on the hills around us this morning..
shivering suffering..when will it all ennnndddd !!??
Despite all that, our fellow citizens are still bravely giving it a go. Not only are they still giving it large with the Easter holiday spirit as they pop continental, but the guys left behind are not to be outdone. As you can see here, life goes on on the water, some muscular rowers were challenging the exiting Spirit of Britain early this morning..challenging it to a sprint in the pic here..
And yesterday....sailing by, and endeavouring to catch the fast breeze...whoosh!.
Not that many sailing at the moment but the odd hardy group batten down the hatches, stick out the stout chins, stiffen the sinews and away they go.
Stone the crows its blasted-well snowing as i Victor Meldrew would say
"I dont beleeeeve it!"