Good to see those pictures Ed. Very nice set of pix there.
At the risk of sounding very still says Costa Romantica on the tin as it were. I see on Colettes list she also calls it when I am labelling it now Im not sure what to call it...a!!
Dumbfounded in Dover
Yesterday all day long we had an exciting Rowing Regatta in the harbour. Had not heard a thing about it beforehand so was surprised to see all the sporting crowd arriving. Here are a few pictures from it..
Going hammer and tongs above there...the full length of the harbour, turn and come back at quite a pace. Quite exhausting

Got tired just looking at them. But well done all round.. perhaps an Olympian will emerge in due course.
The crowd made a good day of you can see..enjoying the sunshine and picnicking etc
Another tough race. In the background there you can see MV Explorer..very small and exclusive type ship..dont remember seeing that one before. Also in yesterday was The Saga Ruby..for those who like the delightfully old fashioned. Will put a picture of that one on the old homepage in a day or so as got a nice picture of her leaving last evening.