I will definitely watch out for the Carnival Legend..one to watch.
As mentioned in the listing, here is the Ocean Princess which arrived yesterday. Small but nicely packaged and photographed at 5.30 am. I'm not kidding..I do get up that early..mad fool ..lol!!
As you can see in the pic, the sea looks a bit agitated..no doubt stilll settling down after the turbulence of previous days.
Oops i pressed the button too soon before I could add a bit of Sea-FRONT news.
Here we are..Here are a couple of automobiles, both visiting the seafront in recent days. We will be needing the expert services of Peter G again for these ones, Peter is our resident aficionado of all things automotive.
The first one is clearly a yellow Rolls Royce but which model etc is way beyond me. This car being driven along the seafront in the picture by two ordinary people, what I mean is that it wasn't hired out for a wedding or anything, so the English eccentric is alive and well. Great stuff.
It certainly caught the attention of locals passing by. Not one to miss in astonishing bright yellow.
One more to come..I seem to be having a bit of trouble with the site this morning.
This one on the other hand is most defintely a wedding car. The couple parked along the seafront to catch the sea breezes and no doubt knew they would be looked at in a car like that..not to mention be photographed. The car seems to have Beauford written on the grill..it may be a Bentley or something?
Rolls himself
..gazing out to sea