Marvellous coverage there Ed..right in the heart of the action. I think it was Howard who said before that we dont miss much on this thread one way or another re all the happenings going on in the channel and hereabouts..there we are again above. Great stuff ! Ace pictures.
Well done Kevin..thats the way!
Today the Port does us proud again with two fantastic whoppers in again...the legend in its own time..Carnival Legend, and almost equally striking, the Stella Artois. No just kidding there, did you spot that..really its the AIDA STELLA.
Unfortunately due to heavy mist again no pictures from me alas for the moment...but will hopefully get something later if things pick up weatherwise.( We did of course have pictures of same earlier in the thread )
Great ships.Well done Dover.
Extra bit :There are two coach loads of foreign schoolkids staying at the Premier Inn. Loads of kids...never seen so many kids in one spot at one time, not for a long time anyway. There they were last evening in the misty conditions going around the seafront in groups with their notebooks checking out and making notes on all the historical seafront monuments. The statues..Rolls, Webb, Channel Dash, Merchant Navy, Herald of Free Enterprise Garden..heartening to see education in progress. They are about twelve and probably French. All enjoying and learning about our seafront 'museum'.