Yes indeed re super motor yacht. Still here as we write, Have just put a piece about her on the blog on old frontpage..with exciting pictures taken as she arrived. Exotic for sure. We had similar Microsoft exotica a while back and now this.
See here..
Previously for charter as I understand it. But who owns her now?? Mysterious. See more on old frontpage
And now as promised a couple of shots of that other piece of exotica...The Vision of the Seas.
Twas a rather grey arrival but here she is leaving last evening in more colourful conditions.A fab maiden call from Royal Caribbean..hoping for more.
and now below a close up pic as it squeezes between lighthouses. Loads of people out on deck to see the delights of Dover first hand as the town basks in the glow of a summer evening.
The ship is on its way to .."wonder wonderful Copenhagen"