The post you are reporting:
This thread is just to promote the Meeting Jan 20 more below.
We have all seen upclose the massive debate the toilet closures have caused. There was an interesting item about this today, again in The Mercury, which showed all the toilets that have closed in recent times right across the town. It shows it in alarming perspective. Many have closed and only two are left..Stembrook and the Seafront.
The DDC have tried to push the responsibility for the recent closure onto the Dover Town Council..herein lies the debate and the uproar.
The Dover Town Council are meeting at Maison Dieu House to discuss this item on Jan 20 at 6pm....and would like to see those who have an interest turn up and see the Council's next course of action with regard to this situation.
Information through from Dover Town Council.....
....I think that you can see that we are attempting cooperative working with DDC. To that end, as you were previously informed, a TC resolution from November meeting promised a public consultation before end Jan 2010. All are welcome, as is maximum input of views, so that the Town Council can base difficult future decisions on the full will of the local electors. Dover District Council has already started closing local toilets, and other difficult economic decisions will be made soon, covering tourism, amongst other matters. So we need the views of the public at a public meeting.
This meeting is now set for 20th January, at 6pm, in the Council Chamber, at the Town Council.The maximum coverage that you could give to publicise this important event would be most welcome."