The post you are reporting:
I had a copy email this morning from a resident near to where we live, complaining to the Police about the state of the road and pavements.
The Policeman's reply was advising him that it isn't the Police's job to grit the roads, but that of KCC - for the main roads and DDC for the minor ones.
I didn't think this was correct so contacted DDC to determine what was right.
KCC are responsible for ALL roads and pavements, NOT DDC. They work on priorities and it seems even bus-routes and pavements, are far too low down in their list, to get done; just wait for a few days and eventually it will go away.
This is obviously not good enough.
Dover Town pavements and the pedestrianised areas should have been gritted, at least from the Town Council offices to and including, the Market Square and all roads off. This I feel should be the responsibility of DDC.
Even the Council offices aren't gritted - I attended a DDC Committee meeting this morning and almost slipped base over apex, because the car-parking area close to the offices hadn't been done.
Andy is right that we need the ground-floor (literal and metaphorical) looking after and it isn't being.
Although the Police are not responsible for gritting, they are responsible for traffic management and there was none of this last Saturday - a little later on, but far too late and far too little.
Vic. well done for salting Sue's path.
PaulB, you may well have seen people pulling their suit-cases towards the docks; I can only say what I saw and the ones I saw, were only going in one direction - the train station, trying to get home and there were serious amounts of people.
We didn't help ourselves or others over this last weekend, Monday and Tuesday.