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I must spring to Mandies defence on this .The longer route had to be brought back because of the intended closure of Russel Street carpark .Lots of locations were looked at for an assembley point but were deemed inpractible.
Yes Sheila is right apathy has set in .You ask the children if they are going to watch the carnival and they would rather watch TV .Hence my opposition for the giant TV.We just keep encouraging children tol the watch TV .The good old days of community have gone .I recall people in River used to line the route from Lewisham Road and it was a job to get a front line view The shops take no interest donot even decorate their windows We used to have best window display competititions .
No one wants to put in the effort
Until we educate our children that people and community are important then the rot will progress.
Im off to Alkham Fete tomorrow and River Fete on Sunday ..I keep trying to fly the flag
I know how you feel Mandie ,join the club .
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