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    The fact that the BNP is doing well at the moment should not surprise anyone. The reasons go far beyond the current expenses scandal; they can be traced back to the perceived "Islamification" of the UK, the perceived rule from unelected Euro-officials, the PC-friendly doctrines that see Xmas carol concerts banned in case it offends other faiths, that sort of thing. The expenses scandal is simply one more extra nail in the coffin.

    As for the church having a say - sure, why not? I probably have less respect for any religion or religious authority than I do the BNP (don't mistake that comment as me being a BNP supporter - I am not) but the church should have the right to a point of view. They are probably just as concerned about the harm being done to our democracy as anyone and they are probably as concerned about the rise of a very obvious fascist group in the UK.

    It's daft to suggest that religion shouldn't get involved in politics. The two are cosy bedmates, one often leads the other, and there are even religious political parties out there such as the Conservative Christian Fellowship. There's nothing really wrong with any religious group expressing views about politics; it goes wrong when religious groups try to affect social change with the religious doctrine as the major agenda rather than the good of the people. For example the introduction of Sharia Law or the outlawing of abortion on purely Catholic reasoning would not be suitable, but the right to express the argument should not be hindered.

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