The S.S. Manxman pictured above, which operated from Merseyside to Douglas on the Isle of Man 1955-82, and latterly used as a nightclub, is going for scrap after an unsuccessful preservation attempt. Doesn`t this ferry pictured above remind us all of our own ferries, all long gone to the breakers yard? This thread isn`t about going into all the detail of this popular ferry, but more on the question of, what the hell is going on when we see some of our finest pieces of British heritage allowed to disappear forever? They are expensive exhibits to maintain, but so are alot of preserved items, but they can still be good generator`s of income tied up in a port with the right marketing people. My knowledge here comes from the multi-million pound railway preservation movement. Ah, if only it could have been an ex-Dover ferry, and had a successful resting place here. Dream on.