Let's get real. The day of the High Street and the small trader has gone, sent off by Superstores and the excellent Amazon. Yes we'll all miss hours queuing in various shops to buy from their limited and overpriced range but somehow we've got over farriers and candlestick makers (other than scented ones! ) being consigned to the dustbin of history.
Stop wasting public money trying to stop the inevitable.
Meanwhile where are the start up spaces in Dover for the businesses of the future?
With more people wfh but not wanting to run a business from a laptop precariously balanced on the bed while wearing earplugs to keep the noise of loved ones at bay, THE thing needed in Dover is Start Up spaces.
Low rent 'cubicles' with a desk, filing cabinet, chair, high speed wi-fi, somewhere safe to lock a bike and a communal conference room where Generation X can start catching up with the rest of the world.
I've visited the ones in Folkestone
http://www.theworkshopfolkestone.co.uk/ and Sandwich Business Park Micro-Business Zone
Meanwhile what have we got in Dover? Bugger all.
THIS is the future and where DDC should be looking to investment ..................................