Hi Vic,
Any chance of some photos showing your progress?
I can remember my mum making a diy wool rug in the fifties and using a strange bakalite chopper which had a razor blade to cut the wool to length (see below). Do people still use them?
My carer says that her mum made 'rag rugs' and had some sort of a special rug crochet hook to pull lengths of material through? She used old clothes apparently and now accuses my Mum who used rug-wool as being 'posh'!
I know (before some idiot says it) I could Google 'rug-making' or look it up on YouTube but I'd prefer it first hand off you as I didn't realise rug-making was still a 'thing' and had forgotten all about Mum's rug making!
(Yes Keef, I'm also interested in rug-making. Can you have polymaths when there's no polymathematics - or is that only in the USA?)
"Shall we go, you and I, while we can? Through the transitive nightfall of diamonds"