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Chris I hear what you are saying,but in all my years in politics I have never been told to vote along Party lines,yes we have discussions as all groups do and some are strong and lengthy but from my point of view i vote on what is best for my Ward,the Town of Dover and the District from my Socialist Principles,and the only one I think I ever lost was when I tried to get the Royal Engineeers to match through the Town and it was kicked out by the 'Labour' well that week Mayor Ken Tranter.
Keith,it can't be all good when you have a big majority,one long time Tory Councillor said to me in jest,can I join you lot,because he had once again been passed over for the Cabinet.
Sue well done for sticking with your principles,I look forward to you crossing the Chamber when the Toilet cuts that are coming soon start to be talked about,there is a spare seat near me in the Council Chamber if you decided you have had enough of being a River Blue and do a Ken Tranter in reverse and come and join us.
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