The post you are reporting:
Well, this raises an interesting question, in that what does one do, if one has symptoms of this 'flu, and has to be at work? We're advised to stay at home, but some firms have Draconian sickness policies, and you can end up dismissed.
This is compounded through policies that not only have a quota for the number of days you are permitted to be sick, but also count every day until return to work as a sick day. So, for example, if you were unfortunate enough to be unable to get to work on a Friday through illness, they'd count the Friday AND the Saturday and Sunday as sick days, and the Monday too, if it was a bank holiday, like this week. Three, or even four days notched up on your sickness record, yet it was only one day when you could have been at work and weren't.
So, will people who are infectious and shwoing initial symptoms still travel, and still go to work, spreading their germs around, for fear of losing their jobs? Or are firms reconsidering their policies, if this 'flu is as serious as is being suggested?