The post you are reporting:
The banking staff would "run off" to other banks who were more successful in getting through the recent crisis. Only a handful of banks actually got it badly wrong. For instance, Standard Chartered Bank, Goldman Sachs and Banco Santander, to name only three of the many, have maintained or enhanced their market position even though times were tough.
As for British Gas, they are in business to make a profit and to re-invest those profits in the industry techology to ensure future supplies. Tesco also make millions/billions but I don't hear anyone clamouring for them to reduce their store prices. So, I guess it's all perception and a hankering for retribution for ex-nationalised industries that were incapable of making profits when owned by government but are now outstanding success. 50% profit is a lot I agree, but is that before tax, after tax? Do we know how it has been calculated? Balance Sheets and P&L's are very complex for organisations of this size, and it is easy to get things out of context.
Perhaps if more British companies were as successful as the likes of BP, BT and British Gas we wouldn't have so much of our industry being owned by overseas companies or going bust. If 50% profit helps keep British Gas, British, then I for one can deal wih it. Who wouild prefer 5% profit, low gas prices and our money going to an overseas company?