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Marek, I have been called much worse than a Mick or a Paddy. I can cope!!!
Actually, the term flipflops sounds rather sweet. Sometimes to reclaim those names is the most senisbile option. I saw an article on one of the evening TV news progs last night (don't know which, only ever have half an eye on the TV, don't like it much!) and it was about the sale of Nazi memorabilia, whether it was right, wrong, offensive, whatever. I am personally horribly offended by Nazi stuff, but I don't see why the sales should be banned - they are historic items, whatever the motive for collection. Banning stuff gives it power: one of the guys made the very very valid point that laughing at and about things reduces their mpower. Mel brooks showed this beautifully with the producers and Springtime for Hitler. I cried with laughter!! I nearly bought a copy of Mein Kampf in one of the charity shops a while back, just to read it out of interest. It wouldn't have made me a nazi, but it would have allowed me to see for myself what was thought and written then.
Bern the Mick