Point taken. It is a point with which we are all very familiar and it is a very good point as points go but I would point out that it is not the point which I was making.
I don't believe that she got distressed on behalf of all Pakistanis because her partner used the derogatory term paki which she knew in her heart of hearts was a term that the inhabitants of the sub continent would find offensive.
I originally suspected that she was shocked to be told that she looked like a person from Pakistan, referred to colloquially as a paki by a certain unsavoury sub strata of British society, because she had gone to a lot of trouble to present herself as a tanned goddess and felt the end result should put her above a mere mortal from Islamabad.
However, I have now googled and find that she has an Indian mother and a Moroccan father, plus the spray tan application mentioned, and have no idea whether this exotic mix would foster the innate belief in racial superiority which I uncharitably conjectured might be behind her tearful exit . Plus she is a woman and God only knows how their minds work.
I give up, forget I ever mentioned it.