The post you are reporting:
Whilst I agree that Manston should be expanded to include more freight (it already is a freight airport with some passenger flights), I would also like to see the passenger flights expanded a lot too.
Some time later this month - a week or so I believe, Manston will start FLYBE flights to Edinburgh and possibly expand this later.
I believe this will/can prove to be very successful, but only if it is used - in both directions.
I haven't heard of any marketing or promotions that Dover, Thanet, Canterbury or East Kent in general, have been doing to promote this area to anywhere in Scotland.
Not being disresepctful to Thanet, but Canterbury and Dover have three of the most iconic attractions in the whole of England - Canterbury Cathedral (obviously), The White Cliffs of Dover and of course Dover Castle.
Dover (District) itself has more historic sites and attractions than any other coastal Town, from at least Southend to Southampton and probably further afield, but we aren't promoting it at all really - at least not to Scotland: the question is, why not ?