The post you are reporting:
Howard, I have posted at least twice how I began my political life working for the Labour Party election machine in Ilford South, back inthe '60's.
I learnt very early on that Labour Governments do very little for the working man and do a lot to control and restrict personal freedoms, and will tax almost anything that moves to pay for their "tax and spend" policies. Anyone who thinks Labour are "for" the ordinary person is sadly deluded in my opinion.
In the late '60's I changed my allegiance to the Tory party even though I was just an ordinary working person, because, in the areas where I was most affected, i.e. pay packet etc., they did more for me than any Labour Government. Forty years on I see nothing has changed, so am happy to continue supporting the Blues.
However, I just wish they had some solid, eye and vote catching policies to tell us about because I'm not convinced at all by the "Big Issue oops Big Nation" thing. I'm voting for the party I want to govern me for the next five years, not some bunch of whimps who have to ask me everytime they need to make a decision. This country needs strong, open and honest leadership for once, it's been well over decade since we had that. In my opinion, DC is the best hope for that outcome.