The post you are reporting:
You Sid are looking desperate. What a silly critisism of DC, just trying to find something to say no doubt. Just imagine if Cameron had, as you suggested, chickened out of the hardest job of any Opposition Leader. You would have had a field day. Enjoy your snooker.
OK - my initial reaction, the political one.
Darling claimed this as a budget for jobs, no - it was a budget for politics. His forecasts are hopelessly optimistic, more so than expected and more so than independent forecasters. No-one in the City will believe these forecasts and, just think, the Government is going to need these people to invest in his gilt issues in order for him to borrow the extra money he needs. He is gambling on the next election being held before these chickens come home to rooste, no doubt expecting Osborne will have to pick up the pieces.
Then there is his 50p tax band and getting rid of income tax allowances for higher earners. This again is entirely political. He is trying to satifsy his old left wing class war warriors and those addicted to the politics of envy. By bringing these proposals forward to next year he is hoping also to wrongfoot David Cameron.
This tax rise is a political one, even the 45p rate was expected not to raise a penny extra (IFS) and I would expect that this increase will be shown to have a negative effect on revenue raised for the Exchequer. Most of the people who might be hit by this will have the independence and resources to take themselves and their money elsewhere. Others will find legal tax dodges to claw this back. I would prefer 40p of something than 50p of nothing.
Once again we see measures announced in the budget as if they were new that are merely recycled old annoucements. Schemes supposed to have been launched months ago many of which have still not seen the light of day.
This is not the budget we need to lift this country from recession.
I have started to get analysis through already. I have already spotted some interesting twists in the 'Red Book' that Darling did not announce. Once I have studied these, and others, in respect of how they will impact on your lives I will post again in an informative non political manner.
Unlike Pollitt this is what I do for a living, inform people and advise them on the financial impact of measures such as these on their lives. And, yes Sid - I do know a lot more on that than any journalist, BBC or not, as I deal with it every day and not just write about it.