I love the game and you are right sportsman are not hero's but some do become icon's for the young and are often looked at as role models.
Becks in his younger days was a bit of a lad but he has matured and does generally accept he is someone that the young look up to. There is certainly not much he does that I can think of that is a bad example. Yes he is getting a lot of publicity over his operation but that is because of the World Cup and that he will miss it, he has been a good ambassador for the game worldwide which is another reason he gets this publicity.
I find it strange people who do not like football are always quick to have ago when a footballer or football it's self come into the lime light. Like it or not it is our National sport and many millions in this Country follow the game. Yes a few get paid far too much and yes it is damaging the game, but that is those at the top of the tree. You have to remember though a footballer like most sports people have to make their money over a 15 to 20 year period. Try watching the Kids on a Sunday, then look at their parents you will soon realise every parent there wants their son to be a top class footballer even another Beckham.
It is said, but I do not know if it is true in that Beckham gives his England wages to Charities he supports, but then if that is true and I have no reason to disbelieve it some of you would find a way to criticise him for that no doubt.
I do not see many coming on here having a go about the actors and actresses, who make millions out of TV and Films. We are paying for that in our TV Licence, what we purchase or the films we watch. These people are making millions for years far longer than any sports person and a good number sod off out of the Country once they have their millions so they do not get taxed.
Katie Price and Peter Andre were headlines for weeks, still are for that matter how many have come on here about them. Both made millions, both nothing but a waste of space but did we get the Country is in mourning over them, of course not and I would rather know about Beck's than them any day.
If you do not like football fine that's your choice but I am sure if others know of your likes some would turn their nose up at it and find away to criticise it. Live and let live you will not change the world Beck's is news and one thing for sure he is proud to say he is English and proud to put the shirt on. You may not like the sport but at least be proud enough of your Country to want them to do well and yes maybe even WIN.