The post you are reporting:
It's great to have these cruise-ships coming into Dover, whether as a turn-around, or as a Port-of-call, but we (Dover and the businesses) don't benefit as much as we could, due mainly I believe because the Cruise-Welcome-Group are told quite emphatically NOT to be proactive with the passengers who are coming into Town.
Those going on a day-excursion will be off earlier and walking in a determined way, to get on their coach, but those ambling through to get on a bus to bring them into Town, should be warmly welcomed to Dover and proactively given leaflets and information on what to see and do here, as well as the qualioty shops, pubs, cafes and restaurants, without them having to ask for it.
There are leaflets I understand, but they are only given out if people ask for them - being reactive is nowhere near as productive and successful as being proactive.