The post you are reporting:
While agreeing with DT1 on the tax evaders, not to mention the 'bonus' culture, I also agree with the problems of indigenous 'workers' I was once working as a 'support tutor' in the local Jobclub where I was on hand to assist with CV's and letters etc. while papers, phones, computers and stamps were laid on to help people look for work. We used to run every morning from 9 til 12 and people unemployed for 6 months or more were sent along to at least get their CV's sorted. One day as I was leaving at about 1 pm I was greeted by a young lad, who had three or four of his mates hanging around outside the door, demanding to know why we didn't stay open in the afternoons because he "didn't like getting up early".
Another part of the problem is companies insistance, and official pressure towards the same, of only employing youngsters. At one of the last interviews I went to I was surprised to find that I was the only one sporting a shirt and tie. The interview itself, for a panel of three, seemed to go well but as I left one of the interviewers followed me out, congratulated me on a good interview ans said that left up to him I would have the job but 'company policy' was to only take school-leavers so I should keep looking. A study a few years ago on the length of time people stayed in a job showed that those under 35 averaged 18 months while those over averaged 5-6 years.