just received this by e mail, ian will be cracking the champagne open to toast the environment agency, we all knew they would come good in the end, didn't we?
Dour Channel Improvements Project
Description: Aquajet_colour
L&W Services
What are we doing?
The Environment Agency is working in partnership with Kent County Council
Highways and Transportation to reduce flood risk and improve the environment for
fish species and wildlife in the River Dour along Charlton Green in Dover.
In 2011 the Environment Agency undertook a River Dour Channel Improvements
Study to test various channel maintenance options to reduce flood risk in Dover area.
This study confirmed the wide channel and the weir downstream from Bridge Street
are slowing the flow of water, causing sediment to build up. To improve this section
of the river we will be removing the accumulated sediment which will allow the
channel capacity to be restored. The works will be carried out in the middle of the
channel on the open sections and under the bridge. This will improve the flow of
water, reduce flood risk and provide a better environment for fish and wildlife.
The work at Charlton Green will be carried out by our contractors
Land and Water Services and Aquajet Ltd.
The works will involve:. Removal of sediment upstream and downstream from the bridge to form
new channels - this work will be carried out using an amphibious
. Removal of sediment from the twin arches of the bridge - a bulk tanker will
collect the material removed for disposal.
The works will start in mid March and will last about five weeks. We will aim to keep
disruption to a minimum and apologise in advance for any inconvenience that this
may cause.
This work has been jointly funded by the Environment Agency and Kent County
Council Highways and Transportation.
For more information please contact us on 03708 506 506 or email
us at