I posted this in 2008 after Ireland first voted no. It's still pertinent now:
The irony of it all
Monday, June 16, 2008 at 5:47pm
I find a tragic irony in the Eurosceptic argument for a "No" vote on the Lisbon Treaty. Finally we are presented with a document that streamlines this creaking organisation, guarantees nationstate soverignty, introduces measures to force financial accountability, transfers decision making powers from the unlecected Commission to the elected Parliament AND on top of that gives the UK unprecedented opt outs and vetos YET the Eurosceptics just want to give the EU a kicking.
It's pathetic.
It reminds me of the classic "socialist debate" - revolution versus reform. Is it worth taking part in the electoral process and trying to make the society we want from within the estabishment, or is it better to overthrow the ruling classes in a revolution?
The Eurosceptics have guaranteed another ten years at least of ineffective operation of the EU in favour of a revolution (withdrawal) that will never happen, rather than reform it from within.
Shame on them. We know who to blame when we hear of the next bendy banana fiasco and I'll gve you a clue - it ain't those that voted YES in Ireland.