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    This is what Nicolas Sarkozy said about Ireland:

    "Sarkozy warns Ireland not to vote "No" again

    Here is Nicolas Sarkozy addressing his party members:

    "Il fallait débloquer la situation. C'est ce que nous avons fait, avec le traité de Lisbonne. Il va falloir se battre pour l'emporter en Irlande. Je sais que j'avais fait un petit peu débat quand j'avais dit à nos amis irlandais qu'ils devraient revoter, mais je leur dirais, de la même façon, que c'est toute l'Europe qui s'est portée à leurs côtés quand leurs banques ont failli être emportées par la crise financière."

    For those of you who don't speak French - or rather, don't speak French as it is used by presidents and Eurocrats - here is a rough translation:

    "Listen, Paddy, don't try our patience. You're in trouble over this banking crisis and, if you don't play along and reverse your decision, you'll find us pretty nasty neighbours".

    You think I'm being unfair? That my translation is too loose? Then let me remind you that, on the eve of poll, Sarkozy's foreign minister tetchily told the Irish that, if they voted "No", EU money would dry up (which is a bit rich coming from a country that has been a far larger recipient of EU largesse than Ireland which, from 2010, will be a net contributor). Let me remind you, too, that Sarko himself described the Irish as a bunch of bloody fools who had been stuffing their faces at Europe's expense over the years.

    Here you see the true face of Euro-integrationism. Rather than trying to persuade anyone of the merits of the European Constitution Lisbon Treaty, Sarko hectors and blusters, bullies and threatens. I hope the Irish won't give in to pressure: it wouldn't be like them.

    I think patronising and insulting - vote as we tell you, or we'll take your money away.


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