The post you are reporting:
Well I dont think we have ever seen anything quite like this...a government disintegrating in such a mass way. Unravelling spectacularly, with Gordon Brown the beleagured PM gaping on in gob open disbelief, seemingly unable to do anything as Ministers and MP's go down like skittles. The newspaper headlines today say things like "Meltdown" and "Collapse" so isnt it all over for Gordon.
He wont call an election, unless dragged kicking and screaming into it at gunpoint, because he knows Labour will be annihilated at the polls. Although all sides, all political hues, have been hit by the expenses scandal, Labour have come out the worst. It was always going to be worse for them because they are the ones in power. Even in these days of our own reckless abandonment of any moral code, we have not forgotten our religous/moral genetical heritage, yes its in our genes even still, so when people we regard as our betters behave as we do, we are incandescent.
I recognise that its time for an election..even though Labour will almost certainly lose and lose badly. But better to lose than to prop up an ugly unpopular administration....and I say this even though Ive been a Labour supporter and a Tony Blair fan for years.
I see a name I mentioned on here before as a possible leader, not to universal acclaim as I remember, Allan Johnson, Minister and former Trade Union leader, could well be the next leader of the Labour Party. He is not a spectacular guy by any means but a steady guy with a quiet good natured likeability. Labour needs to get back to somebody with genuine ordinary appeal who is a good performer on televison. Someone with the ability to reach into your living room and get listened to.