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Actually PaulB, modern Conservatives are nothing like you describe, I've often heard they are all blue rinse and rich - not the case at all; from the top end down to the lower end like myself and other Conservative helpers, they're all ordinary people, who do not like what Labour have done to this Country over the past 12 years or so.
There is a strong social conscience amongst Conservatives nowadays - a willingness to embrace everyone - except scivers.
People and ideas change, we move on.
You only have to look at Labour/New Labour, Tony Blair changed the Labour Party to bring it up to date, but had a Chancellor with his head stuck in left-wing dogma; as soon as TB left and Gordon became PM, it went more down hill and Labour started losing and Gordon started losing control - and Britain suffered.
The people of Britain don't want this left-wing dogma that Keith is so proud of; they can see what has happened and is happening to Britain - at all levels and aspects and are not happy.
We need a strong centre-right Government that cares about Society - and don't quote the old Maggie story about "no such thing as society", that was taken completely out of context, I remember putting the whole piece on here a while ago.
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