Some very interesting posts above, seems a pity though that Morrisons arrival remains so so secret at the moment. So what is really going on behind those large white boards, why all the need for such secrecy, the Dover people should be told exactly what is happening. Honestly, what a lot of unnecessary hush hush. Anyways, if it really is Morrisons then I'm with you Jacqui at the front of the queue for their scrumptious bread
Its good to hear that the Maison Cafe are getting some extra business from the construction workers working on the site. Now wouldn't it be great if we had a variety of shops there for example Matalan/Primark, HMV(especially for Rick) Currys/Dixons and bring back B&Q
or give us Homebase and with the free parking we would be made. Ah! in our dreams.............