That was certainly a fantastic episode. I also like the slight parodies towards the government in this series. Not sure if anyone has picked this up or whether I have read something deepper into it.
In one episode (the one with the space whale) the story was tied in with issues of animal cruelty but also tied in with the police state and the fact everyone voted the same at every election prefering to forget the past and stay with the status quo (their memories were wiped). Considering this was quite close to the election I thought it was saying that for once everyone should not vote the same as they always have if they want change. It was also referring a lot to the police state which many say we may have due to CCTV etc these days. Of course though we mustn't forget Dr Who is merely entertainment although will have undertones of the real world underneath.
Yesterdays episode could have well been another government parady perhaps. How often have "cybermen", "Daleks", "sontarans", "Slitheen" etc come together in an 'alliance' or perhaps a 'coalition'? Not very often. Now I know this was probably written months before the elections but isn't interesting the Doctor is surpised of their alliance - now how many were surprised at two political parties working together from different sides of the coin after the recent general election? So there maybe some parady in there. Will the coalition between those mentioned above though work - we will find out in next weeks episode (no I'm not talking about next weeks episode of the Clegg and Cameron show - Dr Who of course!)
Yes very sad if they kill Amy Pond off, she will certainly from my point of view be much missed, however I have a sneakly feeling she won't be killed off.
Can't wait till next week....what are we going to do with our Saturday nights when it ends for this series?