Yes good one Bob. Howard never realised it was so well known...I think I remember a zillion years ago a doctor prescribing it for my mother as a pick-me-up after she had been ill. Thats interesting re Rab, used to watch that meself, it looks like the Scots have been on this stuff for ages.
Because Buckfast is relatively expensive, it has played havoc with the SNP's plans to up the price of cheap booze in an effort to stem the drinking tide. This Buckfast isnt cheap, so it shoots holes in their theory.
Whats the theory..the theory is this...up the price of drink and the working classes, who it is suggested use it for solace and recreation, would not be able to afford to buy enough of the demon drink to get regularly pie eyed. Buckfast is above that price category anyway, and people are still buying it. So cost doesnt play as much of a part as previously suggested by Experts. Gawd save us from experts!
Buckfast drinker =