howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
forum members who are suffering from a wage freeze or even cut will be cheered by the news that MP's, doctors, dentists, judges and other worthies will be getting a 1.5% pay rise.
there is a statutory body that decides such things.
it is good to know that our betters are not suffering like the rest of us in this downturn.
Statutory bodies that begin to stink should be buried..............
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
I think we should also bring this down to a local level.
WHEN DDC talks of the need to reduce the wages bill that runs into millions just for Dover District alone, we need to start to question, are we realy getting value for money?
With the chief officers on more than £100,000 can this realy be justified when you look around Dover?
How many of you could do a better job on half the wage?
Im sure any council cutbacks will be at the coal face(lower paid) and few at the top
thus creating even more dismay to the public of the underpaid being over worked
These wages in todays recession are unreal, will local govt change?
will cllrs have the bottle to say enough is enough?
lets watch this space,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
regrettably you will probably be proved right, it will be the ones that take the flak everyday for a lowish wage that will gte the order of the boot.
much the same whether it is in the private or public sector.
Keith, to answer your excellent questions:
1. No
2. Yes
3. No
However, we shouldn't forget the profligate KCC either. I don't appreciate the Frontpage article clearly showing our County Leader at a beano, probably paid for by Council Tax payers who have struggled to make their payments. Very insensitive at this time, particulalry as he seems to planning a few more liquid lunches on us!
Quite appropriate given that they p**s on us........
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
I know that KCC DDC DTC and Iv said before all have to be paid for.
Sid, I just put the spotlight on one council.
Its time to look more deeply at this, more so in this recession.
Im not convinced either that unitaries will work
(as quoted by R Hansell)
I'v seen unitaries in South Wales totally unaccountable.
But it is time now to look at the need of 3 councils, all the officers, cllrs, all cost us a lot of dosh.
Guest 693- Registered: 12 Nov 2009
- Posts: 1,266
I shall be awarding myself a substantial wage rise this year. Whether the money make it to the bank account is another matter.
True friends stab you in the front.