Guest 640- Registered: 21 Apr 2007
- Posts: 7,819
12 August 2009
18:3827048Alan Duncan once again is up to his eyes in hot water re unbelievable remarks he has made about serving in the Mother of All Parliaments. Its absolutely disgusting to see and hear guys like him rubbishing the very House and Nation he is serving. He claims because of the paltry pay now in vogue, following the expenses scandal, nobody of any worth will be attracted to serving there.
This is unbelievable smugness , unbelievable insulting smugness. Im not sure why the nation isnt up in arms with people like this. If he thinks Parliament isnt worthy to have the likes of him then he should p*ssoff out of it and let someone else have a go who will be just as good or nay nay even better!
To almost everybody £64,000 a year plus the still liberal expenses is a very good deal. The wildly excessive scandalous expenses have been cut back, but this guy is bleating about it, clearly. Although he pursues the official clean cut line in grimly expressing horror at how MPs have behaved, behind it all in private he is gutted to have lost his gravy train.
These career politicians need to be cleared out of Parliament so that new fresh face people, with new fresh ideas, willing to work for fair pay, can get in and serve their country. There are many out there of real worth who would serve, given the chance.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
12 August 2009
19:3027053that just sums up what the country as a whole thinks.
mr duncan is not in the league of boris johnson though, when asked about the quarter of a million that he earns outside of his mayoral job, he described it as "chicken feed".
they say that we get the politicians that we deserve, doesn't say a lot for us.
Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
13 August 2009
05:0827066I believe that there are calls afoot for Duncan to resign even though he has apparently apologised for his outburst.The mans a disgrace and to use a much bandied political term "not fit for purpose".
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
13 August 2009
06:0627068He is not exactly one of my favourites.
To be fair £64k is not really a lot for a job like that but even so the attitude he expressed is appalling.
13 August 2009
06:4727081I guess it depends why you are doing the job. I could earn more in the private sector, but I prefer to work in Not for Profit organisations because of the value base. Simliar salary but less, but a better focus.
And yes, the eejit should go!! Let him find a proper job where his performance will be scrutinised and measured......
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
13 August 2009
06:4827082An awful lot of very able and worthy people would be very glad of £64,000 plus expenses, Barry.
It may have been said as a joke, but it's not been receieved as one.
We do need well to do, well off MPs as well as "ordinary" MPs, but not with this attitude.
Guest 640- Registered: 21 Apr 2007
- Posts: 7,819
13 August 2009
09:0327102Of course it was not a joke at all Roger. He obviously was cauight out so had to issue some sort of grovelling type statement..and lamely claimed joke.
He said the MP's were treated like sh*t and are all on rations since being found out on expenses. I mean..thats just awful...and completely against the spirit of the new ideals. Guys like him should therefore do the honourable thing and bugger off out of parliament and let others who would regard it as an honour replace him. I would regard it as an honour to replace him and Im only a lowly foreigner...and I would regard the salary as a bonus.
Guest 683- Registered: 11 Feb 2009
- Posts: 1,052
13 August 2009
10:1427104Duncan is also the shadow Leader of the House (which should raise concerns over the appropriateness of the selection procedure) so we can assume this attitude is well entrenched. I have no doubt it is well entrenched across the political spectrum too.
I have no desire to support the man but am I the only one who feels very uneasy about the use of secret filming? I imagine that the 'journalist' was fairly sure he was going to get something controversial but wonder if he couldn't have got it through more conventional means. Duncan is prone to gaffes after all!
Guest 640- Registered: 21 Apr 2007
- Posts: 7,819
13 August 2009
15:1027122Yes I am also assuming Mark that the attitude is well entrenched..sadly. But as for getting the story re secret recording, well I think thats very acceptable nowadays..some of our biggest news stories were got this way in recent times. Stories that were for the greater good. Secret hotel meetings, secret BNP footage, secret police 'racial institution' type footage and so on. Its here to stay.
I saw on the lunchtime news that David Cameron has telephoned Duncan this morning and given him a dressing down. Phew! I feel so much better now !!
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
13 August 2009
17:1727136many truths are spoken in jests,just wandering this one was.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
14 August 2009
08:0627194I did actually think he would do better than he has, or maybe if yo look at this from a more sinister way, maybe Labour backed him because they knew in time he woluld gaff?????
As Roger says i'm sure many of those on low incomes or no job at all would welcome even half of the £64,000 and frankly probably make better decisions!!