Brian Dixon wrote:#1141, that's old news, an(n)ouced 7 months ago.
I am well aware that this is 'old news' Brian, but what we must be aware of is that it is developments like this and the proposed developments of both retail and a multiplex cinema at Canterbury that Dover High Street will be up against.
We have made this mistake before, starting planning the St James shopping complex at exactly the same year that Amazon first started trading in the UK making much shopping redundant for example. I suspect the original sketches for DTIZ showed Woolworths, a Blockbuster Video, BHS, a Book Shop and a Dixons! How could any high street possibly do without them?
Dover really needs a strategic plan looking to the future rather than perpetually playing catch up.
What will people's transport, entertainment,leisure and retail requirements be 10 years from now and 20 years from now. What is already on stream in the wider area which will directly compete?
If we 'save our High Street' as it is, Dover will die.
The only hope is to make the High Street as a sucessful high street of the future will be.