Brian Dixon wrote:under cover money grabbers, fancy hiding in a car then pouncing on the unexpecting public.i am sure that's ileagle and should be appeal against the fine/s.
don't get me wrong but that's not the first case of under cover covert operation.
Arr me harty someone after me own heart....calm down all you enforcement luvers ya ..listen up..!
I know ya want blood and walking planks but dont turn on your own you may need em one day.
I said dropped whilst walking???? see the difference he did not know he dropped it on his way to bin as seen by that person. Anyone could drop something without knowing it. AND YES HANG THE ONES WHO THROW LARGE AMOUNTS OF ANY RUBBISH AND HANG EM HIGH! But dont lay in wait for little darlings having something to eat -KFC get enough to sort buggers out anyway. But come to rent and then place scurvey dogs there to bite with high finds, that is bad. A little old lady walking along street up near DDC. Dont know her dont know her plight maybe she just a litter bug or maybe just lost her husband out for a walk...two of them one behind following her and on in car. SURE ENOUGH SHE DROPPED HER CIG BUT...Teeth into HER straight away and fined there and then!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WAY NO WAY I SAY!!!!!!!!!! Wisen up were you all bothered years ago before you all were so politically correct by are own system to turn on each other. Now people walking down street..she dropped fag 'OMG' is now a lot of topic of people out shopping ...FEAR...that is what it is now FEAR to go out ...WHAT IF I DROP SOMETHING. What if I drive too fast Im doing 40 0MG NOW IT SAYS 30 AND THERES A CAMERA...what if I buy a can a beer walk up street drinking it-where's my parking money I cant get a fine - omg Ive dropped my fag and spat my bubble gum out-have I made sure my recycling is done...LIST IS ENDLESS WE ARE NOT LIVING WE ARE WORRYING DAILY.
Maybe all pub car parks should have these buggers there and see what happens....More than likely the Pub will not last long. However, they are focusing on their own land that is the bloody irony of it all.
It wont matter if you drop something and did not know, you can stand and argue all you want with these people. They are out to make money not to clean up our streets and if you think they are then all is lost to the human race I am afraid. Me, for one I am no sheep or bloody robot without feeling and Ill stay that way. I AM DOVERIAN LIVE AND LET LIVE. We all pay our way for street cleaners and roadsweepers why put them out of a Job (even though Dover's ones turned into ghosts) - so we all get fined, seems we paying twice! Then to top it all after taking a pound of flesh you, they then publicly name and shame you for paying for it, some having most probably having a breakdown from the sheer embarrassment of it. OPEN YOUR EYES THIS TOWN AND OTHER TOWNS PEOPLE ARE BEING OWNED & BRAINWASHED AND PEOPLE TREATED BADLY. Next were be having public whipping's bought back.
Yes off Topic sorry